Thursday, October 4, 2012

American Girl's Next Top Mod-Doll

Hey there it McKenna. I want to tell you about something Maddie is doing!

She and her BFF are doing a little photo contest. Since their moms fail at judging, (lol they eliminated me already) I want to nominate one of you for the first round.

I nominate...


The reason I chose Delaney is because she is a great blogger. Of course if Delaney doesn't want to then we have to choose someone else. Delaney, please try to get back to me soon!!


  1. Sure, so what do I do? Thanks!

  2. Next time we do a shoot which should be soon, I can email you the photos. All you have to do is rank them your favorite from 1-5, 1 being the best. The theme will be Halloween.
